Wednesday, 5 June 2013


So my exams are finally OVER! I'm so happy that I don't have to spend all my time revising. It means that I can spend more time and effort on my blog, and YouTube channel. I've already planned a photoshoot tomorrow which I'm really excited about!
Today I thought I'd share with you my summer bucketlist. I started this a while ago, and just occasionally add random ones onto the end, so to celebrate the beginning of summer I thought I'd share it with you!
1. Have a water fight. This is kind of a childhood tradition of mine to have a water fight with all my friends. I thought you could take cool pictures with it too.
2. Take loads of pictures, at least one everyday. I really want to document my summer so I don't forget it. That links to the next one.
3. Keep a summer scrapbook/journal.
4. Movie marathons with my friends.
5. Have a paint fight. Not a wet one, just a dry one. This looks AMAZING on pictures.
6. Make someone smile. Cheesy, I know but it brightens my day.
7. Stay positive. I don't want to waste my summer feeling down.
8. Tie dye lots! I want to buy loads of white cheap clothes from Primark and then tie dye then all.
9. Meet new people. I want to broaden my friends list, whether that's other bloggers or YouTuber's or just other people.
10. Shop a lot. I normally do this anyway because my birthday is in summer so I usually have money.
11. Go ice-skating. I love ice-skating.
12. Have barbecues. Just chilled out days with my friends.
13. Go to a concert. This probably won't happen because I don't have any tickets but I can wish can't I?
14. Redecorate my room. My room has been the same since I was little so I want to gradually change some things around.
15. Go to the beach. I love the beach so much but we don't particularly live close to one.
16. Start vlogging. Planning to start that soon.
17. Go to the zoo. Love the zoo.
18. Go to London for the day/night with friends, and go to covent gardens.
19. Make a rainbow cake, I mean who doesn't?
20. Go camping with all my friends.
21. Make more music videos.
22. Make a huge daisy chain.

So this is my summer bucketlist. I just add things as they come to me, and I know it's not possible to do all of these, it's just things that I'd love to do.
Do you have a summer bucketlist or a life bucketlist?
Thanks for reading,
Stay Happy,

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