I apologise again for lack of pictures recently. I've realised I'm not cut out to doing a picture a day. So to make up for it, I've taken enough pictures that will cover the days I have missed. Warning, it will probably be quite long.
Today I bought a new skincare routine. I have quite dry/sensitive skin, so I seem to use a lot of moisteriser. I've already got the Simple Facial Toner, which I use to clean my face, and I've just got the Simple Facial Wash that I can use in the shower and some mornings, and the Simple Rich Moisteriser, which I've read is good for dry skin. I like Simple because it isn't too expensive and easy to find.
Recently I've ran out of Lady Gaga's perfume which was definitely my favourite, I thought I would find a new one. My nan gave my mum this Daisy by Marc Jacobs and I fell in love with it immediately, so it's my new favourite now!
I've been to loads of Open Days lately.
I've also been reading ALL of these books! I'm on the last one right now.
Just bought these as my holiday books! Hopefully they're good reads.
My brother bought some new speakers so he gave me his old ones. They're pretty cool!
I spent most of my time cleaning my room too. I thought I'd show you what covers my walls. This is about half of my room, walls and ceiling covered in magazine cutouts. It took me a while but I love it!
I bought this new heat protect stuff from my local hairdressers. Hopefully it works!
Barry M Gelly nail varnish in Greenberry. I love this nail varnish, and the colour is amazing!
I lost this ages ago, and from tidying my room, I've found it again. It's a travel size perfume bottle that you can put any perfume into. It's light, and small enough for your bag, but holds enough perfume. It's a shame I didn't find it before the end of the college year, it would've come in handy.
I have also recently started snacking on these biscuit bars. I needed a healthier option than a chocolate biscuit and so I found these. I love anything strawberry and these bars are perfect to snack on in college.
So I'm sorry it's been a while again. I'll make sure to keep up to date for these last few days.
Stay Happy
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