Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Room Redecorating!

Hey guys! I know it's been a while!
I've been a bit behind on college work so I wanted to try and catch up during mock week.

But luckily I am redecorating my room! I'm unbelievably excited, and have so many different ideas floating around my head. So I thought I would bring you guys along for the ride, maybe you'd like to see the transformation from my room as it is now to the room that I really want it to be.
I immediately knew what colour I wanted it to be, some sort of spring green or turquoise kind of colour. So I looked at loads of inspiration and ideas that people had which got me even more excited!

Anyways I thought I'd show you my room as it is now and then update when new things happen as we are doing things periodically.
So this is the view from one side of my room. When we decorated ages ago we got the two rooms put together so that's why I have this small room at the end. I used to have my bed in it but now I have my wardrobes, make-up and desk. I also have my nail boxes and wavy mirror on the wall that I'm eventually going to get rid of.

Here are two other pictures of my small room. As you can see it's so busy with lots going on especially on my walls. When I redecorate all the magazines are coming down and I'm painting it white so it's a lot brighter and lets a lot more light in.

I love this wooden shelf on the far left with all of my big jumpers and favourite t-shirts in. I think I'll be keeping this, and maybe painting it white.

And this is the other room. There's my big double bed with the TV on a bookshelf in front of it. I think I'm keeping them the same, just with different bedding. I also have my chest of drawers that I need to find new ones of because these ones are falling apart :( The paint splodges on the wall too are the colours that I was choosing from for that one or two walls. I've decided on the colour that's on the right because I think it will be nice and bright.

I also want to sort my blinds out, and the bookshelf in the middle so my room looks bigger.

I will be so sad to say goodbye to all these magazine cuttings that cover my small room. It took me a couple of years to get it perfect and lots of weekly magazines. But just from one glance at my walls you could tell what kind of fashion and beauty I enjoy and also the people I like. It also had some memories in there like my Race For Life posters and various cinema tickets.

So that's my room so far but I'm going to be sorting loads of things out soon and have already seen a new dressing table that I LOVE! And it's from a charity shop too! I can't wait.
So I will be updating this series as well as my other blog posts which will be more frequent now hopefully after all my deadlines. 

Stay Happy

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